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Electric (TANS) Kolerovarochny heating boiler
Scope caramel digester electrically (TANS) heating. Kolerovarochny electric boiler used in the beer and soft drinks, alcoholic beverage, dairy, oil and fat, cosmetics, processing and many other industries. It is used for cooking caramel sugar, syrup, invert syrup and similar products characteristics. Appointment kolerovarochnogo electric boiler (TANS) heating. Electric kolerovarochny boiler is designed for cooking, eg caramel syrup, etc. require significant heating to 120-180ºC temperature. Preparation of the product occurs until reaches the desired consistency. The principle of operation of the boiler with an electric kolerovarochnogo (TANS) heating. The principle of operation kolerovarochnogo electrically heated boiler is heated 120-180ºC product to the purpose of its subsequent melting and caramelization. Using a mixing device provided with scrapers polyacetal, avoids product sticking to the inner wall of the boiler, and promotes uniform heating of the product during its preparation. Устройство колероварочного котла с электрическим (ТЭНовым) нагревом. Kolerovarochny with TANS heating boiler is a a cylindrical stainless steel container with a thermally insulating layer and a jacket filled with coolant. Kolerovarka equipped with electric a stirrer with PTFE scrapers and motor reducer, flip-type cap, an opening hatch or 1/3 of the desired diameter, expansion tank for the coolant Gulf pipe for draining the coolant, TANS box, conical or torosfericheskim bottom, pipes for water of the Gulf, a pipe for discharging the finished product. The capacity of the boiler is mounted on the frame or adjustable feet. Kolerovarochny Electric boiler is equipped with a control system with a stirring device and adjustment system set temperature made on the basis of a two-channel temperature measuring instrument-regulator